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Alternative shipping delivery and trick




Delivery of orders to customers is an important step in online commerce. Choosing a quality delivery service is therefore essential for you, but also to guarantee a good end-to-end customer experience.

Delivering orders to customers is one of the most important steps in online commerce.
You must choose an efficient, reliable delivery service that offers reasonable fees.


All the solutions below allow you to have an API to connect with an e-commerce platform.

It could a good interesting alternative to the official shipping. Take time to look their services and choose in function your business.


Tip n ° 1: Negotiate with the carriers your parcel shipments
Each e-commerce site establishes a mailing price grid defined according to its volume, its margins, etc. In general, the more packages you ship, the more preferential rates you get. However, many e-merchants are not aware that they can negotiate prices with carriers, even if they ship a small volume of parcels.


Tip # 2: Reuse your packaging for cheap package shipments
Our planet needs you and that also means recycling your parcels packaging. What's more, it will allow you to optimize your delivery costs and thus generate more profits. When you have parcel returns, do not hesitate to reuse the packaging if it is in good condition


Tip # 3: Buy your packaging at wholesale price
When you buy your package packages in large numbers, you get more attractive discounts than if you buy them gradually. The best strategy is to define the size and type of packaging you need.


Tip # 4: Reason in kilos
How much do your packages weigh WITH the packaging? Too often, errors are numerous when calculating the weight of your packages. And your shipments are costing you more money than they should. Also, do not forget that internationally, the calculation of the weight of packages is in volume.


Tip #5: Send your parcels in relay points
Another tip for cheap package shipments is to opt for the solution in relay points. Inexpensive, this mode of delivery is more and more popular.
Delivery in relay points also allows your buyer to choose where he wants to be delivered



Some French, european company.


1 - Upela.com

UPELA is a price comparator. According to your choice, DHL, FEDEX or UPS will collect your shipment, an envelop, a bulky parcel or a pallet and deliver it to your recipient.
It centralizes the offers made by the express shipping leaders enabling business or private customers to reduce routing times and save money


2 - Cubyn.com

This Platform helps e-merchants spend less time taking care of their logistics while maintaining maximum control.


3 - Misterpasha.com

Evening delivery, sameday delivery. The key word of this platform is the flexibility.


4 - Boxtal.com
Boxtal offers a transportation package and tries to display the best rates and conditions.
the backoffice allows a follow-up of the orders and in set of features interesting for the e-commerce


6 -Wing.com
This platform offers a collection service, packaging and shipping of your products at the best price
The company also takes care of the after-sales service with carriers, as well as customs formalities, if necessary.


7 - Deliver.ee

It automates deliveries from all your outlets. A home collection service of returns is also offered by Deliver.ee.

8 - Mesenvois.fr

The mesenvois.fr site is an online parcel shipping comparator proposed by the Neopost company which puts the user in contact with the carriers.


9 - sendcloud.com

+15,000 e-commerce businesses use this solution and save time, effort and money on their most frustrating process- shipping




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