The marketplace allows you to buy or download a module. This service is made for that.
By your contribution, you help the community to continue to help you on the forum and the ClicShopping Development.You also have lot of free modules than you can download by your admin or you can install in manual.
Some modules are on Github.
For the Buyers, you have 3 choices :
- Buy a module with renewal terms (note : it's not mandatory to renew the terms but you will lost your advantage price and update)
- Buy and download a module
- Download Free modulesFor sellers :
- Just download your module. The app will be reviewed by a moderator
- After verification, you will have full access at your module on the marketplace to update it.
- All updates must contains all the files else the app will be not acceptedMore informations:
Trademark License info : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/trademark/
Apps Catalog
- Only the creator of this module is responsible.
- The advertisement is not allowed
- For any problem please contact the person in charge of this module
- No advertisement is allowed inside the apps excepts specific partnership
6 files
catalog apps catalog import export
By ClicShopping
This apps allow you to import or export your categories and products in csv format.
It's useful is you need to change or manage yours categories or products via excel files.
A hooks is included and allow you to implement new importation or exportation (suppliers, manufacturers, attributes ...)
- Update, insert products
- Quick update (model, stock, ean)
Licence : GPL 2 - MIT
Language : English and French
Important Note :
You must understand the fields characteristics and actions to make to use correctly this apps.
Install :
- Via the Admin of ClicShopping (Automatic installation)
The installation (manual).
- Copy all the files inside your shop directory
- Copy the apps_catalog_import_export.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github
- https://monsite/myAdmin/index.php?A&Catalog\ImportExport
- Activate the module Catalog/ImportExport
Github source : https://github.com/ClicShoppingV3Community/apps_catalog_import_export.git
Github Download : https://github.com/ClicShoppingV3Community/apps_catalog_import_export/archive/master.zip
All informations about the ClicShopping
Community : https://www.clicshopping.org
Software : https://github.com/ClicShopping
Official add on : https://github.com/ClicShoppingOfficialModulesV3
Community add on : https://github.com/ClicShoppingV3Community
trademark License info : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/trademark/
apps Apps catalog wharehouse
By ClicShopping
This apps will allow you to create a wharehouse and to include some information. A report is including inside.
Important Note :
Copy the apps_report_stats_wharehouse.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github
licence : GPL 2 - MIT
Install : http://mywebsite/myAdmin/index.php?A&Catalog\ProductsWarehouse
Activate the apps
0 purchases 4 downloads
- report
- wharehouse
- (and 1 more)
catalog Products Quick Udpdate
By ClicShopping
This apps allow you to add a quickupdate in your admin.
you can make some action to increase your productivity like to increase the price, change the stocks ....
you can configure in function you choice wath do you want display and change inside Quick update
Important Note :
This module contains
- The language files in English and French
- The apps
Technical Prerequisites: None
License : GPL 2 - MIT
- Compatibility: >= version 3.0
- Multi languages
Recommendation and documentation specific use :
Copy the directories into your Shop except ModulesInfoJson
Copy the apps_quick_update.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github
Install :
0 purchases 7 downloads
catalog Quantities Discount
By Maxime
This apps will allow to manage your quantities discount inside products.
A table appears inside the products description with the different discount by quantity
An information about all the discount is displayed inside the cart.
Important Note :
This module contains
- The language files in English and French
- The css
- The apps
- The modules
Technical Prerequisites: None
License : GPL 2 - MIT
- Compatibility: >= version 3.0
- Multi languages
Recommendation and documentation specific use :
Manual Imlementation
The installation is manual and must be downloaded on the marketplace.
Copy the QuantityDiscount directory into Apps/Catalog/ directories
Copy the apps_quantity_discount.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github
Install :
http://monsite/ClicShoppingAdmin/index.php?A&Catalog\QuantityDiscount and after go to insert or edit your products.
0 purchases 5 downloads
- quantities-discount
- cart
- (and 2 more)
apps Apps catalog products barcode
By Patrick
This apps will allow to display a code bar inside in your products admin and Catalog in the product description
Some codebar configuration can be used (see the photo) :
You can create different template
This module contains
The language files in English and French
The css file in French and English
The module
Technical Prerequisites: None
License : GPL 2 - MIT
Compatibility: >= version 3.0
Multi languages
Recommendation and documentation specific use :
The module is installed in the Default template. If you have another template, you must copy the sources files inside your new template (only sources directory).
Manual Implementation:
Activate the module in admin : http://localhost/clicshopping_test/Shop/ClicShoppingAdmin/index.php?A&Catalog\ProductsBarCode
Activate the module in shop : https://monsite/myAdmin/modules.php?set=modules_products_info
Copy the apps_catalog_products_barcode.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github (manual installation)
All informations about the ClicShopping
Community : https://www.clicshopping.org
Software : https://github.com/ClicShopping
Trademark License info : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/trademark/
0 purchases 5 downloads
catalog Apps Extra Fields
By BertrandD
This apps will allow you to add extra fields inside products. You can choose checkbox, sort fields or long fields.
It displays the information inside your product description
This module contains
- The language files in English and French
- The apps
Technical Prerequisites: None
License : GPL 2 - MIT
- Compatibility: >= version 3.0
- Multi languages
Recommendation and documentation specific use :
Copy the directories into Shop except ModulesInfoJson
Copy the apps_extra_fields.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github
Install : http://monsite/myAdmin/index.php?A&Catalog\ExtraFields
Activate the module Design/products description
0 purchases 3 downloads
- apps
- products-description
- (and 1 more)