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Adding a file to Autres modules

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Select your files

Drag and drop your files here, or
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Accepted file types tar.gz, zip · Max file size 1MB


Add screenshots

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Or drag and drop your files here Accepted file types: gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, webp · Max file size: 0.2MB


File Information


By submitting a file you agree to the following terms:

- Your application must be accepted before to be included inside the marketplace for the first time.
- We will test your module or look your code but it's not a certification, ni guarantee.

- The free plug-in is not accepted (please see the community for that). The minimum is 20 €  or 31 $ CAD.

- You are responsible for this application and the support of this application
- No refund about commission will be given on payment in any case.

- No advertisement is allowed inside the apps excepts specific partnership

- If there is a specific modification please indicate it in your documentation
- Your zip must be under 1024 Kb and the image under 200 Kb.

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