On the demo I saw a nice import / export module : https://www.clicshopping.com/ClicShoppingAdmin835/index.php?A&Catalog\ImportExport&ImportExport
It allow to make some update from Amazon and I will use amazon in short time
Do you have any experience with this app ?
First, thank you to administrator for the work @ClicShoppin to maintain the nice solution
I saw a new payment module Stripe inside the core, what's happen yith Paypal ?
I like, nice image, the product description is clear and nice. It give me some ideas for my project.
Else same critics that @Drack
Thank you to share your work.
Just a question, what you have as module inside your shopping cart.
I read the article on the blog but I do not want to include lot of thing.
Do you think what we can see on the demo is enough ?
Depend what you make, the Relais allow the customer to take the products somewhere around their house. It will be my preference.
now, the other can be good but you must bring the product a your post. For one is correct i you have not big sales, for several, you risk to loose time.
From what I understand, the repricing does not necessarily lower your prices but a work on the repositioning of the product when you are on a markeplace
What I would like to know is if you have experience feedback in terms of return on investment?