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  1. Yes you are right. Thank you @cleanhome24clic The menu is Configuration/Admin/Chatgpt Insert the api key Change the status.
  2. Hello, it's ok The AI is inside ClicShopping, you do not need to install APP anything Just activate the module and insert the key you can found on OpenAI.com. In function of the situation, you must activate some modules for the catalog. For the instructions, you have a tuto there : ttps://www.clicshopping.org/forum/topic/3387-how-to-use-the-generative-artificial-intelligence-inside-clicshopping/ For the terminal, you must go on admin hosting. Else ask the support to help you.
  3. Hello, Composer not installed want to say you must install manually the application. You hoster does not give you directly this functionnality or it s blocked. in this case, you must open the terminal and go inside the website and write composer install mylibraries (look the doc for that). All the modern application use composer to install libraries. I hope these point help you. Witch application do you want to install?
  4. Hello janett, Do see you the import / export apps ?
  5. For me I use analytics also, but I am looking to use another : Piwik - More information there : https://matomo.org/free-software/ or to download : https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo
  6. I push on different marketplace my products to have the best visibility
  7. Just a question : What is the System Memory (get usage) use and Bootstrap Core Memory Usage ? Looking on my website : I have System Memory (get usage) "use : 2.54 Megabytes Bootstrap Core Memory Usage 0.8 %
  8. Hi, You can use, square or authorizenet . This 2 modules are available on the marketplace. Look the apps payment on the marketplace.
  9. @ClicShopping, Thank you for your recommendation. Nice work
  10. I don't know the new module, look quickly square, seems the fees are interesting but it's a french company. Do it work in other country ?
  11. ON short time & especially event, SMS marketing could the best approach for promoting upcoming offers, deals, and events to attract and engage customers.
  12. Very nice document and it's useful to use. Thank you for this topic
  13. Hello, It's my first time, I installed ClicShopping without problem. I create an account and look the GRPD. I would if it's possible to include a new rule because I need to include a specific tracking. Thank you
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