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Everything posted by Dartagnan

  1. Nice, I am happy some work is done in this way.
  2. Hello, Do you have an idea if ClicShopping will be updated for php8.2. Is it a strong work to do that ?
  3. Hello Julie, Thank you for your quick answer. I will tried this way.
  4. Hello, please could you help me to set youtube video for item. How to do that ? Thank you
  5. Hello, I would to know if it's possible to include some different supplier inside a product. Currently it's just one ?
  6. Hi, The url is important, it must be the same that the product name for the seo ?
  7. Hello, It must someting like that ? <?php /** * * @copyright 2008 - https://www.clicshopping.org * @Brand : ClicShopping(Tm) at Inpi all right Reserved * @Licence GPL 2 & MIT * @licence MIT - Portion of osCommerce 2.4 * @Info : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/trademark/ * */ use ClicShopping\OM\Registry; use ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING; class ht_google_analytics { public $code; public $group; public string $title; public string $description; public ?int $sort_order = 0; public bool $enabled = false; public function __construct() { $this->code = get_class($this); $this->group = basename(__DIR__); $this->title = CLICSHOPPING::getDef('module_header_tags_ganalytics_title'); $this->description = CLICSHOPPING::getDef('module_header_tags_ganalytics_description'); if (defined('MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_STATUS')) { $this->sort_order = MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_SORT_ORDER; $this->enabled = (MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_STATUS == 'True'); } } public function execute() { $CLICSHOPPING_Template = Registry::get('Template'); $header_flow = '<!--Start of Google analytics Script-->' . "\n"; $header_flow .= ' <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id="' . MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_KEY .'"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(\'js\', new Date()); gtag(\'config\', " . MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_KEY ."); ';. $header_flow .= '</script>' . "\n"; $header_flow .= '<script type="text/javascript">mixpanel.track("' . MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_SPEUDO . '");</script>' . "\n"; $header_flow .= '<!--End Mixpanel Script-->' . "\n"; $CLICSHOPPING_Template->addBlock($header_flow, $this->group); } public function isEnabled() { return $this->enabled; } public function check() { return defined('MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_STATUS'); } public function install() { $CLICSHOPPING_Db = Registry::get('Db'); $CLICSHOPPING_Db->save('configuration', [ 'configuration_title' => 'Do you want to install this module ?', 'configuration_key' => 'MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_STATUS', 'configuration_value' => 'True', 'configuration_description' => 'Do you want to install this module ?', 'configuration_group_id' => '6', 'sort_order' => '1', 'set_function' => 'clic_cfg_set_boolean_value(array(\'True\', \'False\'))', 'date_added' => 'now()' ] ); $CLICSHOPPING_Db->save('configuration', [ 'configuration_title' => 'Veuillez insérer la clef (https://mixpanel.com)', 'configuration_key' => 'MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_KEY', 'configuration_value' => '', 'configuration_description' => 'Cette clef est nécessaire pour pouvoir afficher les statistiques<br> ex : 203927b013fdbf2f7322b1865b4ea54e', 'configuration_group_id' => '6', 'sort_order' => '60', 'set_function' => '', 'date_added' => 'now()' ] ); $CLICSHOPPING_Db->save('configuration', [ 'configuration_title' => 'Sort Order', 'configuration_key' => 'MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_SORT_ORDER', 'configuration_value' => '80', 'configuration_description' => 'Sort order. Lowest is displayed in first', 'configuration_group_id' => '6', 'sort_order' => '60', 'set_function' => '', 'date_added' => 'now()' ] ); } public function remove() { return Registry::get('Db')->exec('delete from :table_configuration where configuration_key in ("' . implode('", "', $this->keys()) . '")'); } public function keys() { return array('MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_STATUS', 'MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_KEY', 'MODULES_HEADER_TAGS_GANALYTICS_SORT_ORDER' ); } }
  8. Hello, How to implement a background image ? I will try something to see if it's interesting or not ?
  9. @Griffou, I activated the setting SEO URL Pro on true.
  10. I tried to activate the seo url but I see always the same url ?
  11. Do you have something with google reCAPTCHA on the marketplace ?
  12. Do you know if there is something about the spam protection ?
  13. Hello, I am new, just a question about the order. Could you tell me how it works ?
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