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Manupichu last won the day on March 19 2019

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  1. I just reinstalled the latest version. Indeed some point had been added. Just click on the button and you have the result. I also tested the multilingual, As @Maxime said, it's important to save and to change the language. Example for Seo.
  2. Thank you to share your experience, Indeed, what see can be useful. I will wait the release to test it. In this moment I use the ChatGpt via the web interface. Lot of potential.
  3. Nop, it's not free but you can test it, create an api key and you have 3 month I think to test it. A tool like that, it will be difficult to have something free.https://platform.openai.com/overview
  4. I am new but I can understand the value to use chatGpt inside my website. I will try when the release will be ready
  5. Hello, I just see the new functionalities about the double implementation, is it usefull to implement it ?
  6. Hello, Do you recommend to reorganized the administration menu. In my case, I do not want to move a menu to another sub categories, just the sort order.
  7. Do you recommend to install ClicShopping in dev ?
  8. Hello, If we can have the both, it will be ideal.
    I installed this modules and works very fine. It's possible to define where you want to display the information it can be installed via the back office or manually
  9. For me it's not so important, I use google analytics. A little fix later.
  10. Version 1.0.1


    New design theme and based on an effect on the product If you have included new modules, you must update in consequence your files and css You must just copy the files that you want change inside the template cool_effect directory. This module contains - The css - The modules Via the installation system administration ClicShopping Technical Prerequisites: None License : GPL 2 - MIT Modules: - Compatibility: >= version 3.0 - Multi languages Recommendation and documentation specific use : The module create a new directory inside the template directory All the new modules inserted inside the Default template will work with cool_effect template. If you must make an update, please, copy the files inside the cool_effect template. Implementation: - Copy the All Diretories inside Shop expcept ModuleInfosJson - Copy the template_cool_effect.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github (manual installation) - In your administration : Design / Configuration / Configuration : Change the website theme Download Github download : https://github.com/ClicShoppingV3Community/template_cool_effect/archive/master.zip Github : https://github.com/ClicShoppingV3Community/template_cool_effect.git Note : All the options inside modules are not included in the template. You must update in consequence what you wish. All informations about the ClicShopping Download ClicShopping : https://github.com/ClicShopping/ClicShopping_V3/archive/master.zip Community : https://www.clicshopping.org Software : https://github.com/ClicShopping trademark License info : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/trademark/
  11. About the preload, I take time to read, and I more moderate on that. Depends of the site, it can increase or not the website. I do not know if it will be implemented inside ClicShopping, we will see.
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