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  1. Int his moment, there is new implementation inside the solution, Nice to see that. For chat Gpt, I need to understand more to let my opinion, let's see
  2. In my case I prefer to wait a new ClicShopping Update.
  3. I am using this apps and works very fine. Easy to install and the stripe dasboard is simple to understand. Paypal is very complicated.
  4. I think you do write this comment in the shop directory : composer update composer.json
  5. Look this website, I seems it's a good website to have a nice report : https://www.dareboost.com/fr Some people explained than the website like gtmetrix does'nt take in consideration the time to display a page, it seems very important and the note than you have does'nt reflect the reality.
  6. Hello, On my website, inside my backoffice, I saw some Customer visit but I think I have not these customer. Also, I have an information called manifest.php. Could you explain me ?
  7. No, I do not think so, maybe a modules can help you.
  8. Hello @Namiko, Welcome, i look a little the b2B aspect and ClicShopping has different capacities in this field - the catalog without the price ==> Yes you can for all products or just a specific products - with a specific account for this people. => Yes you have 2 forms, one for the customer one, for B2B. You can remove the B2B. Look the B2B configuration, customer group and the option inside the products, you will see the different settings.
  9. I looking today the demo, I saw a nice feature on the table. It's possible to make different sort order, to reduce the table or when you are in mobile, delete columns.
  10. Hello, I installed the Spanish Language : Shop : correct Administration - Database configuration : english - Apps : English /French - Menu : Spanish - general Admin : spanish There is a little works to translate all the sentence in spanish language for APPS. But the most important is the catalog.
  11. Nice Thank you @Drack
  12. I have been this alert, and I follow the instruction above. Everything is correct now.
  13. Hello, Do you know if there is a pack about the spanish language ?
  14. Hello, Food stores are small shops that are not necessarily accustomed to sourcing over the internet. The ideal in my opinion is still a physical or telephone contact to present your products ...
  15. The main problem (at least for me) is to make a nice newsletter. Certainly one can always go through a business to do that, but after that profitability. In short, if you have good plans to do, do not hesitate.
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