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  1. The structure is like that Sources - template ==> insert here the new template -- Default Inside the package you have just to upload the files inside the main directory normally.
  2. Yes, it's correct, it must resolve the error.
  3. In conclusion, if the numbers above are corrects, ClicShopping doesn't take some charge on the server.
  4. Hello, I would if you can help me to choose a server to install ClicShopping. What is your recommendation? I testing Prestashop, Magento, but after more read, this application takes a dedicated server if I want to develop my project.
  5. Hello, I am very tempted to spend on a dedicated but I'm a bit scared to know if I have the skills for that, what do we need to know how to master compared to a mutualised, Currently I have 3 sites in shared with a total of 1200 visits / days (cumulative of 3) but I have some problems on one of my site 15000 products and 800 connection per day with an average of 5 pages per connection weight of the page about 500 KB What do you recommend? One of them it's based on old Oscommerce and I want to migrate on ClicShopping.
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