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Namiko last won the day on February 7 2020

Namiko had the most liked content!

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hello, If I saw a bug where can I report this ?
  2. Nice and the fees are less expensive than Paypal
  3. @Patrick, Thank you for these advises
  4. Ok thank you @Rainer, found the elements in general configuration, This is a minimum on every order that I wantto test.
  5. Hello, Do you have an idea if I can force or not the quantity to include inside the basket ?
  6. Hello @Juliana, Thank you to share your work under ClicShopping. It's nice site, clear, simple to use and we have information. The image are very good same on the pge we can found different size. but it's very important and you have time to update. I saw you have included guest check out, that's good. Some customer do not like to have a specific account. The header is not perfect on the mobile, I think you can recode that.
  7. Hello @Drack, Yes works, but it's boring.
  8. Hello, I hava a problem with paypal, Inside the credential tab, How to fill it because, I can not.
  9. Hello @eTrouper I have been the same problem, It come of your image. For example, you have uploaded a .jepg image but it's maybe a webp image. In this case you can have a problem. You have just to rename the bad extension by the good extension. Look information image for that.
  10. Hello, Do you know if it's possible to replace the empty image by an other image says : No found ? I do not know if my question is very clear !
  11. Hello, I would know what the most important module must be installed for the dashboard ?
  12. I saw inside the administration that ClicShopping can transform all the image in webp. But it wrote : some server do not accept that ? Can I use this function ?
  13. Indeed if I change the image size, the image become not nice. Thank you.
  14. Just a question about the logo, It must be under a specific width ?
  15. Hello, Where can I change the header logo and the invoice logo ? Thank you.
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