Ok thank you for your help.
Ok, To start I will make that in manual, after, I looking the apps tracking, seems good and possible to include new tracking url.
I will see
I am not specialist but on the blog you have 2 articles. Do you read it ?
Just I know you must allow your customers to let a choice about different element like google analytics or make other things on the website like delete the account.
Hello, I am on OVH and everything works fine for me for long time. Just t important to have the good plan and to be not limited, example to have 2 db, is a minimum.
Hello @Rotana,
Sincerely, I don't know, the advantage with the demo, you have some example and it can help you to build your site, disadvantage, you must remove all the data.
If you are a newbie, it's better to start with this approach else to take this other configuration.
it's a choice.
I found a comparison there is a moment.
There the information but it must be confirmed.
With so many PayPal options, it is difficult to know which to use.
Paypal Standard (or IPN): per item No No
Paypal Exress: per item No No
Paypal Advanced: per item plus $5/month Yes No
Paypal Pro: per item plus $30/month Yes Yes
For all of the modules, you may be able to negotiate a better rate if you talk to Paypal.
Just I can tell you, I have installed my server on OVH, and the system works fine.
I took a basic plan, the first plan that OVH sells and very cheap.
Just a question, If a customer decides to stop to receive the newsletter. What's the process to make ?
Inside ClicShopping, it's easy, the customer can change in this account
But with an external tool, it's different because there is no synchronisation with ClicShopping.