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  1. Just a little question, Is it possible with this application to select the product that you want to import.
  2. I am looking a little if I understand well, if I include a new dashboard inside the app, I must change the json ?
  3. I installed the numeric antispam, but I do not see in my catalog: How to make that ?
  4. Do you know the application ?
  5. I will take time to look and understand the approach, Thank you.
  6. No, no time, I just put a question to know it was interesitng or not.
  7. Hello, Just a weird question. On the right, you have diffrent short icon. It is possible to add another. I waat to create a new shortcut icon to go in review. Thank you.
  8. Hello, I have installed an app and I do not to use. How to delete it ? Thank you.
  9. Hello Is it possible to use an existing app to include something inside ? Do you recommend that ? Thank you
  10. Hello @ecityworkshalad, Thank you for the summary but how to make that correctly it 's not simple and take lot of time.
  11. Hello, I read some information about that and it s seems etter that gzip, is t included inside ClicShopping ? Thank you.
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