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  1. @Julie, Thank you for your quick. Indeed, this is the token I must to change.
  2. Hello, I am using gpt apps to generate my text and for request via the chatbot. When I ask a question, it does not provide all information, It stop. Is it possible to increase the chatbot answer ?
  3. Yes chatGpt can be use full, I am trying to use that in this moment and it helps a lot.
  4. Looking the module, there is a field allow you to add a size. For example include 150, and all the image will be the same. I hope this point will be use full for you.
  5. It' my first post. I am looking the contribution on modules_front_page. I don't see anything, maybe another modules can allow that ? look there, it can help you : https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/components/carousel/
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