No, if you follow the instruction, it's easy.
You have a tutorial there :
the other way is to install via extension menu in your admin.
Hello Eolia,
Here is an example of the fields I use because it must be admitted that I have a little trouble with some of them (the French doc is not super explicit).
title / Black shirt
link /
price / 123,45 EUR
color / black
description / Superb black shirt cheap blablabla
brand / shirt brand
availability / in stock
shipping / EUR ::: 6.9
image_link /
condition / newHere is an example of the fields I use because it must be admitted that I have a little trouble with some of them (the French doc is not super explicit).
I agree with @Drack, you can test the demo, try to configure the solution to find the best approach. For moment, it's better to test before to make. I do that and it was better for me to undestand the admin and how to make a good process.
When you install an app / module or a module via the administration and you want know if it's installed or nrt look : /Work/Cache/Github .
You must find the json of your apps.
The document tell you if it's a module or an apps. On the marketplace or Github, you have all informations about the installation.
@Ingrid, this is for compare the files if there an update or not. Inside your Admin Tools / install extension, you will see a version or 2 depends if you have installed or not the apps.
You can compare if you need to make an update or not.
The module allow you to display a free shipping element inside the shipping page and it enhance the initial configuration. It's better to include inside your shop.
Hello @ISAC,
I installed the application recently, and I have not been problem.
Could you explain your process ?
Which Php do you use, it's recommended to use php 7.3 but it must work on 7.x
The installation on Windows or Linux ?
Your conf files is on 777 and Work ?
For your help you can look this :
Agree with @Patrick, it's complicated to use IA for the small company, the data are not enough and the chat must be in relation with the product. Last thing for one product it can have lot of question.
Hello @Juliana,
It's a pre realase, In this case, you can test and wait when the release will be out. I think the code is stable, but need more test to be better and see if there something to fix or not.
If you install, you can help.
In my part, I will test before to make an update.