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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. If you hoster allow you to use 587, it's better than 25. you can make test under gmail to see what's happen
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This apps allows you to include a surchage on the order The surchage will be applied for all orders before the process payment Important Note : Copy the apps_order_total_surchage.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github licence : GPL 2 - MIT Install : http://monsite/myAdmin/index.php?A&OrderTotal\LowOrderFee Activate the module in Order Total All informations about the ClicShopping Community : https://www.clicshopping.org Software : https://github.com/ClicShopping trademark License info : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/trademark/
  3. I can add something. You can install easily some application without knowledge. In your back office, you have a system allow to make that. and the upgrade is easy if you follow the best practices. The template and the core are separated, it's big advantage compared to some other solution like osCommerce.
  4. Version 1.0.1


    The Square payment plugin module will allow you to connect your Square account to your online store. The payment gateway is operated by Square, Inc, which also offers POS card and chip readers to handle card-present transactions you can conduct from your phone or tablet in-store or mobile. https://squareup.com Licence : GPL2 - MIT French / English Install : http://monsite/myAdmin/index.php?A&Payment\Square Activate the module in Payment Copy the apps_payment_square.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github (manual installation) Important note : - You must have an account to square. - You site must have a valid ssl certificate - A help section is including inside the apps - The payment works only in CAD or USD currency - To use this apps, you must install composer on your local server or your server (apt-get install composer for linux). - The exec function must be authorised by your hoster else the auto installation will not work (for the libray but the apps will be installed). - To install manually the library Inside the shop directory (where there is composer.json file) composer require square/connect ==> installation composer update square/connect ==> update composer remove square/connect ==> remove Once this installaton is made, you can set the apps. All informations about the ClicShopping Community : https://www.clicshopping.org Software : https://github.com/ClicShopping Official trademark License info : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/trademark/
  5. @ClicShopping Thank you, it will be nice to develop a new application more quickly, the tuto seems to be simple to use.
  6. Hello Drack Some information are available. You can look this. It will help you. Documentation : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/forum/8-documentation/
  7. Ok, thank you, I will look and if I have a problem, I will tell you.
  8. Hello, I am trying to create a modal boostrap inside the admin but every time I have the header and the footer. Do you know how to make without the header and the footer. Thank you
  9. SEO is not now a simple knwoledge, it's became complex. This article for e-commerce is very good and it can help some shop owner to work and increase their rank. Nothing is simple today with all the tools, desktop, smartphone, IA like alexa.
  10. Hello @Drack I think you must use a cache on your css with htaccess, look the htaccess ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 week" FilterProvider COMPRESS DEFLATE "%{Content_Type} = 'text/css'" If you have this, you must delete your browser cache and comment this line. For development, it's better to not use these elements.
  11. Hello Gary, Welcome in this new forum and e-commerce solution. look this directory : /includes/Module/Hooks/Shop/Account For example, if you look the file DeleteAccount, you will see 2 files : AccountGdprDeleteAccount ==> this file display the information AccountGdprCallDeleteAccount ==> this files make the action process. That I know, maybe @ClicShopping can confirm that, the files must start by this name : AccountGdpr .....php Good luck
  12. Hello Phil, You can see inside your phpmyadmin and products, if the image is registered. Also, you can look inside the sources/images/products/ if you see the image and my last question, do You try to create a directory ?
  13. If I remember, the name is modules_header_menu_slimmenu . The source is here : https://github.com/ClicShoppingOfficialModulesV3/modules_header_menu_slimmenu
  14. I am under linux debian. Choose VPS or dedicated depends if you have lot of visits or not. For example, Amazon cloud could be very interesting but at a moment it's better to be on dedicated.
  15. Thank you for this article, it's interesting and I will look more information about that. I looking the apps but I don't found. On the demo, I saw you have included the web push. Do you think to include this development on marketplace ?
  16. This site (positeo.com) does not give correct results (When I did my tests it always showed me an error) I think the best way to test and type a text from your site in google The quota that between the limits is not mentioned by googling but we can say arround of 35% and 45% If you use texts that you have written yourself, you will not worry about duplicate content
  17. Just for information until now everything seems to work fine.
  18. I downloading the last ClicShopping update on Github, I will test on my commputer with php 7.3
  19. A little tuto can help under ispconfig 3.1 to enable the http/2 protocols Http/2 protocols increase the speed to display your website. you can test there : https://tools.keycdn.com/http2-test or via this command : 1 - edit all your website cd /etc/apache2/sites-available to test sudo a2enmod http2 and restart apache2 Number 1 : Install all the website cd /etc/apache2/sites-available nano mydomain.com under ServerAdmin add Protocols h2 http/1.1 restart apache2 /etc/init.d/apache2 restart make the same thing for all website 2- all new website vi 000-default.conf below DocumentRoot add Protocols h2 http/1.1 3 - Via the panel edit your website, go to options and apache directive add Protocols h2 http/1.1
  20. To go far, you can create your own template and include or change that you want inside. It's better to create a new file to change in the original file. Like that if you have an update, you will not impacted.
  21. Yes you can do that, you can include the GDRP inside your apps I think. I do not test.
  22. Hi, First, Do you have installed or not the gdrp header tag modules ? ClicShopping propose a nice approach about the registred customer but for the not registred, you must install a specific module. You we will found the modules the : https://github.com/ClicShoppingOfficialModulesV3/module_header_tags_gdpr or you can install via the extensions. maybe it can help you to manage your need. you can find a module cookie consent. Else look the directory : Clichopping/Modules/Hooks/Account. You will find some GRPD modules. it's easy to create another : Copy the files and change the name : example <?php /** * * @copyright 2008 - https://www.clicshopping.org * @Brand : ClicShopping(Tm) at Inpi all right Reserved * @Licence GPL 2 & MIT * @licence MIT - Portion of osCommerce 2.4 * * */ namespace ClicShopping\OM\Module\Hooks\Shop\Account; use ClicShopping\OM\CLICSHOPPING; use ClicShopping\OM\Registry; use ClicShopping\OM\HTML; class AccountGdprNoIp { protected $IpAddress; public function getIpAddress() { $CLICSHOPPING_Db = Registry::get('Db'); $CLICSHOPPING_Customer = Registry::get('Customer'); $Qgdpr = $CLICSHOPPING_Db->prepare('select no_ip_address from :table_customers_gdpr where customers_id = :customers_id '); $Qgdpr->bindInt(':customers_id', $CLICSHOPPING_Customer->getID()); $Qgdpr->execute(); $ip_address = $Qgdpr->valueInt('no_ip_address'); return $ip_address; } public function display() { $output = '<div>'; $output .= '<label class="checkbox-inline">'; $output .= HTML::checkboxField('no_ip_address', $this->getIpAddress(), $this->getIpAddress()); $output .= '</label>'; $output .= CLICSHOPPING::getDef('module_account_customers_gdpr_no_ip_address'); $output .= '</div>'; return $output; } } To create another module change AccountGdprNoIp by AccountGdprMyModule Note : AccountGdpr is very important, it allow you to implement the code in your catalog the new module. The files is reading dynamicly I hope it can be an help to create your own module.
  23. Yes you can for example about the canada taxe, it's included inside. I do no test because I am not in this country but it must work. Look the taxe and their cunstruction. It can help you.
  24. I think when I see the other website, the order funnel must be simple. the customer does'nt have information who can change this opinion. The big platform use another website for that after to come back in the website.
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