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  1. Hello, I think you can add bool before the variable. It should resolve this situation bool $is_migratable ClicShopping\Apps\Payment\PayPal\Module\ClicShoppingAdmin\Config\EC\EC::$is_migratable
  2. Hello, I installed on my server a test version on the V3.3, works very nice. I will make some other test before to migrate
  3. Hello, Yes I looked also, For Amazon, it's just an update, you can not insert product. For just an update this app make a great work.
  4. For me, the more important is the security module must be activated - composer security - system check update to know when a new version is available - After for the stats, it's your choice.
  5. Hello, The gallery are nice. I will try some. More simple : you can do that with the css .card:hover { background-color:#eee; } or for index page product new .ModulesFrontPageBoostrapColumn5Image:hover { background-color: #eee; }
  6. hello, In the header, insert your phone, it's important for a customer - Make a good support - Respect the regulation - Good price is very important
  7. I put this post in the section "Website Design: HTML, PHP, CSS ..." because it is the one that seems to me the most appropriate. It could be also in design or marketing.
  8. All tools can automatize can be good for the productivity. It's my opinion. The problem is to make that. @Manupichu, the apps twitter seems to be a first step, but we can have the same function for all the main social network, it will be a great application.
  9. there is a new article on the blog about the dsp2 : https://www.clicshopping.org/forum/blogs/entry/15-online-payment-e-commerce-entry-into-force-of-the-dsp2-psd2-directive/
  10. Ok, good idea, Thank you.
  11. Just another question Some listing are fixed and it's impossible to use the wdth function (1 to 12) <div class="col-md-<?php echo 12; ?> col-md-<?php echo 12; ?>" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Product"> If I understand I must change by that ? <div class="col-md-<?php echo $bootstrap_column; ?> col-md-<?php echo $bootstrap_column; ?>"> itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Product">
  12. Some Chinese companies are now in Vietnam, Maybe you can have a better deal than in China
  13. Hello, A new template appear on the markeplace, I downloaded and tested. I would just know how to make shadow card.
  14. I think it's if you know what you want, it will be more easy. My first experience was to include all that I can inside the application. But at the end I know now it's not the best approach. Inside ClicShopping, you have not all the modules activated (example products description), you must download what you want to display for your customer(modules and apps) All tools need to take time to understand the approach. If you have a little plan in your head and you know that, you will time.
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